Dallas Summer Musicals presentation of The Little Mermaid is receiving rave reviews and comments. The sets, costumes and singing are stellar, thanks to Glenn Casale, director, and the amazing cast and crew.
"Eric Kunze as Eric – I only need five words to describe his performance and vocals, Perfect Broadway Leading Man…PERIOD!"
"Kunze actually looks quite like the film version of the prince. Kunze has a resplendent tenor voice that would have schools of mermaids swimming toward him! The belt is full and rich, while the vibrato is smooth as silk. He gets to sing two new songs that were composed for the stage version, “Her Voice” and “One Step Closer.” Kunze wraps his golden voice around both songs like sparkling gift-wrapped presents to give to the audience. He delivers a magical, fascinating performance...
...Kunze and Stock have sincere, beautiful onstage chemistry. They play off each other like a real couple in love. It does not come off mawkish or false, but quite romantic and even funny at times, as they try to gain common ground on their emotions. They both will steal your hearts."
Read more at: http://thecolumnawards.org/columnonline/review/02-20-2014_DISNEYS-THE-LITTLE-MERMAID/

Copyright Photo by Chris Waits. All rights reserved.